Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter a day late!

As I mentioned, I had Friday off from work. I spent the day baking cupcakes and reading. 20130401-112830.jpg

Four years ago, if you told me this is what I would be doing on a Friday night, I would’ve laughed in your face and funneled another beer before going to the bar at 1AM. I also managed to find some time to paint festive nails.

Dip a toothpick in white nail polish and voila! You have some dots/eggs
(Man hands not included)

It was so amazing to do nothing, though. I woke up and had time and energy to run again on Saturday morning. Say what?!

Good thing, because after that, I headed over to my sister’s where we had an Easter dinner and I consumed my weight in food and drinks. It was amazing.


That is the only Easter-related photo I took, but luckily Mariah tweeted this picture of herself yesterday for all to enjoy.

Nothing like taking a step back to thank Jesus and remember the true meaning of Easter, right girl?

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